Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Over the weekend Jeremy, myself and my parents took Finley to the Pumpkin Patch. We did the best we could since she can't sit up alone. We think she had a good time or maybe I had a great time.. I had never been to a pumpkin patch before, however, my vision was a little different. Maybe if we lived in East Texas would there have actually been a FIELD FULL of pumpkins. :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Green Beans

We tried feeding you baby food last week and your poor face says it all! However, you were smiling by the end. Take a look...

6 Months

It's hard to believe you are HALF a year old! Here are a few things about you at 6 months old:

- 17 lbs. 4.5 ounces & 25 3/4" long
- Sit supported
- Wearing size 2 diapers
- Wear mostly 6 months clothes
- We think you are saying 'Bye Bye'
- This month you will be celebrating your FIRST Halloween
- Started sleeping on your tummy
- Baby food - we have tried Green Beans & Sweet Potatoes, none of which you liked, but I'm not giving up
- Had your FIRST haircut
- You are still one of the happiest babies I have ever been around and such a blessing to your daddy and I

Look how much you have grown over the past several months!

State Fair of Texas 2010

Over the weekend, our family did our annual family tradition and went to the State Fair. This big thing this year was deep-fried Frito Pie. I have to admit, it was tasty! We had the regular Flether's corny dogs, Texas tators, and funnel cakes.

Jeremy, Finley and Myslef in front of Big Tex!

 My brother and my nephew Bryson in front of Big Tex

 All of us, minus my mom who is taking the picture.

Pawpaw (my dad) and Finley in the petting zoo. She fell asleep shortly after we went in.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

She is her Daddy's Daughter

Back in Nonvember 2009, we had our first ultrasound that determined we would be blessed with a baby girl. Jeremy is the last 'Boy Morris' in the family and one day we do hope to have a little boy, however the day we found out we were having a girl we were so excited! At that moment I could only think about pink tutu's and bows.

I have known for a long time that there is something about a daddy/daughter relationship that holds a special place in my heart. I hope that one day Finley will ALSO have that special bond with her daddy as I do with her PawPaw.

Finley's smile already lights up a room when she sees her daddy. It's the most amazing thing to see. She IS her daddy's daughter!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Typical Week

A typical week in the Morris home:

Get up at 5:30, cook breakfast for Jeremy, and I hurry him out the door so I can get myself ready. Around 6:20, I wake up Finley to change/feed before we leave for the sitter. On a good day, we are out the door by a quarter to seven. I drop her off by 7 and complete the ride to my office, which takes about 20 mintues this early in the morning.

I leave the office a quarter after 4 to pick up Finley and we head home. Normally, she falls asleep on the ride home and this is her late evening (must have) nap. On nights when Jeremy is at work, I use it to my advantage and NOT COOK. Some time that evening I load Finley in her stroller and we walk the dog. Finley has her bath around 8pm and is down for the night by 8:45pm. I then, have an hour or two for myself.

Tuesday:I start my day around 6am. If Finley is still sleeping, I have some extra time to pick up the house a little or unload/load the dishwashers (My biggest pet peeve = dishes in the sink). Jeremy gets home between 7:30 to 8:30am , so Finley and I can get some playtime in if she is awake or I give her a morning bottle. When he arrives it’s normally a quick transition and out the door I go to work. On a typical day like today, I don’t take a lunch or eat quickly and leave work around 5. Jeremy can only be Mr. Mom for so long, however, he is doing much better!

I really love these days! I get up 5:45am and get myself ready and scurry out the door, all while Jeremy and Finley are still asleep. I can get to work fairly early these days and leave a little after 4pm. This allows extra time at home for Finley and the hubbie to cook a great meal and/or spend some extra time outside.

It’s your Monday schedule , just on a Thursday!

Friday:Repeat of Tuesday – Wait for Jeremy to get home, so I can go to work!

This would be our Saturday Fun Day as a family and we are outside doing something! Oh, and did I mentioned that I can actually sleep until Miss Finley wakes me up for a change. I just love it because she wakes up talking, and she gets so excited to see me peek over her crib with a HUGE smile! It’s the highlight of my morning. (and probably hers too!)

Sunday:Even though it’s my day off, I still get up with Jeremy, make breakfast, and again, scurry him out the door for work. If it’s possible, I go back to bed until the princess wants to start her day, which is between 7:30 & 8:30am.

All of this repeats every 3 days. Unfortunately, when someone is late getting to the fire house, Jeremy is late getting home, and guess what? I’m LATE getting to work! It’s a huge RIPPLE effect (I hate being late) and I don’t care for it, however I married a fireman and wouldn’t have it any other way! Thankfully, I work for two of the most amazing people that allow my flexible schedule!