Thursday, February 28, 2013

Finley - Almost 3 years old

Let me start off by saying for all the times I thought potty training would have been an easy thing for you... IT'S.NOT! I almost feel like I have failed, but let's move on. That's how much I despise talking about it.

-Wear size 4 diapers
-Mostly 3T shirts and pants. 3T's are big int he waist, but you need the length in shirts and pants more than anything.
- Can count to 20.
- Knows your ABC's
- Knows that your daddy is a fireman and works at the fire station. You also know that he 'saves' people's lives.
- You are STILL very much a daddy's girl.
- Potty training - ugh! Hardest thing yet I have ever done.
- Knows most of your colors
- Every time you hear or see an airplane you think it is your pepaw.
-  You love your sister and actually said it for the first time - see video below

You BFF Avery

Riding in daddy's truck

I came home from work and daddy said you dressed yourself that day. Wow!

You do love your sister!

You are into washing dishes! Yay for mommy!

A lot going on in this video, but you had so much to say that night!

Landry 3 months

- 12 lbs. 12 oz @ 11 1/2 weeks old
- Wear size 1 or 2 diapers
- At the beginning of the month you were wearing 0-3 months and now you are almost growing out of 3 months!
- I even have you wearing some 3-6 jammies.
- Cooing and babbling
- First laughs... Love them!
- Love your bath time!
- Love, love, love to have your palms rubbed with lotion after your bath.
- Went to Dr for first time other than for well check - 02/15/13 - you were fine & no problems that Dr could see.
- Mommy changed her diet and noticed you seemed a little happier.
- Poop in your bath tub at least 5 out of 7 nights a week.
- Bath, bottle and bedtime starts around 7:45 to 8:00 pm.
- Sleeping through most nights until 6 - 7:00 am.
- The longest you have slept is from 8:30 pm to 8:10 am. I would say that's 12 hours my darling.
- Fell asleep for the first time under your activity gym.
- Naps are still all over the place; Morning, lunch, afternoon, evening nap is still a must.
- Breastfeed evenings and weekends.
- Bottle feed 4 - 5 oz every 3-4 hours.
- Daddy gave you 3 bottles of formula one day and he said she LOVED it!
- Daddy worked a lot of overtime this month so you are having a hard time adjusting to him being home short periods of time.
- You tend to sleep through ALL of the nights when it's daddy's turn to get up with you.
- Your sister keeps saying that she is not going to let the pirates take you away!

Happy 3 months my precious darling!

Look how much you have grown!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Landry 2 Months

My sweet Landry you are growing so fast. I will be heading back to work soon and I will definitely miss our sweet snuggles during the day.

Two month stats:

- 11.8 lbs.
- 22.5" Long
- 39 1/4" head circum
- Wearing size 0-3 months and some 3 month outfits.
- Size 1 diapers
- Eating 3-4 oz of Breast milk every 3-4 hours
- Sleep patterns - 3-6 hour stretches at night. Getting up mostly 1 time to feed. (2-4 am)
- Weeks 6-8 were the worst for you and me.
- You can pass enough gas for the entire family!
- Smiling a little
- Started somewhat of a routine.
- Bath time 8:30pm
- Bed time 9:00 pm ish
- On occasions I would give you formula as your last feeding of the night to see if this would help you sleep better. It in-fact does not!

I could just pinch those chubby cheeks! 

Landry 1 Month

Miss Landry you are such a sweet girl. I had no idea what it would be like to have another girl, but it has been absolutely wonderful so far. I know your daddy is excited to have yet another daddy's girl.

 One Month stats:

-  9.7 lbs.
-  20 1/4" Long
- Sleeping 3-4 hours - waking at night 1-2 times to eat.
- Again, like your sister we had to wake you every 3-4 hours to nurse. Finally, about a week in I just let you sleep and you were waking when you got hungry!
- Still taking your clothes off to nurse because you won't eat if not.
- You are sleeping in your bed and seem to like it so far.
- No routine
- Bedtime -Between 10 & 11 pm.
- Wearing newborn clothes and diapers
- You do seem to cry more than I remember with Finley.

You definitely wear more bows than your sister did at this age! Funny thing is everytime I put a bow in your hair, your sister wants one too! Ha!

Landry's Birth Story

Let's start with the week of November 13th... On Tuesday, the 14th I worked 1/2 day and then went to 38 week appt I was 3.5 cm dilated and 70% effaced. Had I been having contractions up to this point? Yes, like crazy, but they would come and go. Some would last a couple minutes apart and others were more like 10-15 minutes apart. Right about the time I would want to go to the hospital they would stop.

Wednesday morning I came into work and needless to say after telling them my news from the Dr. they didn't want me at the office too much so I continued to work 1/2 days that week. By Thursday, I wrapped up all loose ends and started my maternity leave for good.

J worked on Saturday and Sunday and my FIL and MIL were scared that I would be alone with Finley in the middle of the night so they came and spent the night. Once again, Saturday night I was in a lot of pain... Contractions coming and going, but I did not want to go to the hospital and get sent home. Who wants to do that?? Sunday morning came and since my mom was coming that day, my in-laws went back home to wait for the call. I ventured out that day for a nice lunch with a friend, did some light shopping and did A LOT of walking. Still no baby...

Monday, my mom, Finley and I had a nice lunch, a walk, more walking and more shopping! Still no baby, but boy was I hurting! Way more than I remember with Finley for that matter. Landry was actually in a head down position, whereas, Finley was butt down. I am not sure if that had anything to do with it, but I definitely carried them differently.

Tuesday morning, I got up with J and got him off to work and sat and enjoyed what I didn't know would be my last morning of a mother of one. Finley was still sleeping soundly in her room and my mom as well. Shortly after that, we all got up and got dressed because we had a BIG day planned. First stop, my Dr. appt. Finley and mom dropped me off and they went and had breakfast. To back up a little, I hadn't had any contractions since Monday morning and they had just started back up again while I was in the OB's office. Dr M. came in and we started chatting about how things were going and I said laughing, "What are the chances you could send me over to L&D now?" and this is how the conversation went from there:

Dr M.: Well let's check you. "Oh wow, well you are dilated to a 4.5 and 80% effaced."
Me: "Well I'm still moving along"
Dr M.: "Are you having any contractions?"
Me: "Actually yes, they just recently started up again while I have been sitting here in your office, but they aren't too painful."
Dr  M.: "Well, I could go ahead and send you over and have them monitor you for a bit."
Me: "Or I could go get my errands run and check in later?"
Dr M.: "Honestly, I do not feel right about you leaving and not going to get monitored first... I'm sending over an order for you to get check out next door and we will see how it goes."
Me: "Sure."

As I'm getting dressed, I'm thinking to myself, I doubt they will keep me. I was only 38 weeks and 5 days. My hospital has a policy that you MUST be 39 weeks or your water has broken for them to do a section. Even though I was a repeat section. I get down to the car and tell my mom that we have to go get monitored next door and she was freaking out. We were not prepared, Finley was with us, Jeremy was at work and we did not have my bag. I said, "relax, they are going to send me home, you watch and see."

We get to the hospital and get checked in and it seems that they are doing a lot of prep work. To my surprise, the nurses confirmed that Dr M ordered my section to be that day. The nurse came in and asked me what time did I want my section, "I was like, I guess noon." (It was 9:45 am) Once I realized, that we were having this baby very soon I needed to call J. He was at work and was a bit surprised himself, but rushed over. My mom made a few more calls to get the other grandparents there. As I was nearing eleven o'clock, my contractions were starting to get more painful, but I had to tough it out. Right at noon, I gave my big girl a kiss and off we went to the OR. I remember my spinal block this time being a little more painful as well, but with Finley, my water had already broken and I was having very intense contractions. It definitely stung, but was over pretty quickly. J was not allowed back until they get everything set up, but arrived a few short minutes after my spinal. After a few tugs and pulls I heard Dr M. asked J if he was ready to see them pull her out. A couple seconds later I heard our sweet baby girl cry and there she was! I couldn't see her, but J said she had hair, but not as much as Finley did. She too, had beautiful blue eyes (like her sister and daddy).

Landry Stats:
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
12:38 PM
7 lbs. 4.8 ounces
19" long
Brown hair

Finley Stats:
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
8:20 AM
7 lbs. 4.1 ounces
18 1/2" long
Full head of Black hair

While they were starting to stitch me up J sent a text to my mom and said that Landry was here and that everyone was doing fine. The next part was my favorite - J and the nurses came out of the OR and Finley was waiting for them to bring her out and she got to walk with her daddy, the nurse and her baby sister down towards the nursery. The grandparents also followed to let Finley watch through the window once they took Landry into the nursery. She was so excited!


I was wheeled back into recovery, which was my room before I went in. All my family was there waiting and they soon brought Landry to me to nurse. I was amazed at how quickly everything went once again. Finley wasn't as excited to see me once they brought me back. Probably because I was still out of it. She continued this pattern until Friday and finally sat with me. ( The day we were released)