Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Landry 1 Month

Miss Landry you are such a sweet girl. I had no idea what it would be like to have another girl, but it has been absolutely wonderful so far. I know your daddy is excited to have yet another daddy's girl.

 One Month stats:

-  9.7 lbs.
-  20 1/4" Long
- Sleeping 3-4 hours - waking at night 1-2 times to eat.
- Again, like your sister we had to wake you every 3-4 hours to nurse. Finally, about a week in I just let you sleep and you were waking when you got hungry!
- Still taking your clothes off to nurse because you won't eat if not.
- You are sleeping in your bed and seem to like it so far.
- No routine
- Bedtime -Between 10 & 11 pm.
- Wearing newborn clothes and diapers
- You do seem to cry more than I remember with Finley.

You definitely wear more bows than your sister did at this age! Funny thing is everytime I put a bow in your hair, your sister wants one too! Ha!

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