Friday, August 27, 2010

Doctor calls her a chunker!

Four Month Stats:

Weight 14.7 lbs. - 73% ile

Height 24" - 49% ile

Head circum 42 1/2 cm. - 85% ile

The pediatrician came in and said "what a chunker". She might call her a chunker, but mommy just says she is healthy! It took her so long to reach her original birth weight after we brought her home, but she is making up for it now!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

ThE BiG FoUr

On the 13th of this month our baby girl Finley was four months old. She is growing like a weed. I'm keeping a list of things she can do at this age. Here we go:

  • Smiling is one of the things you do most often.
  • I blow on your tummy and it makes you giggle.
  • Everytime you notice your daddy in the room, you have the BIGGEST smile on you face.
  • You are starting to raise your head from where ever you are laying.
  • Grandma Cindy finally got me to introduce the Exersaucer - which you are starting to really like.
  • Your starting to babble A LOT. Sometime it is even a high pitched sound.
  • It is no longer quiet around the house now that you found your voice, you LOVE to speak your opinion.
  • Football season has started and your daddy has given you the RULES of Football. Rule #1 - "There is NO crying during football".
  • When on your tummy you are starting to reach for your toys.
  • You are rolling over from tummy to back. Back to tummy has only happened a few times.
  • Bath time is around 8:00 pm.
  • Bedtime is around 9:00pm.
  • You tend to sleep anywhere from 7am to 9am. (10-12 hours)
  • We don't have to play the pacifier game when I put you in your bed much anymore.
  • You LOVE your blankie. Doesn't matter which one, but it must touch your face.
  • You are still staying home with daddy during the day when he is not at work.
  • At Mrs. Laura's you have a new playmate this month.
  • You are still in size 1 diapers.
  • You still LOVE to be outside.
  • You are loosing a little bit of your hair in the back.
  • We recently introduced bibs because 'drool' is your middle name.
  • You are bottled fed formula 4-6 ounces every 4 hours.
  • You still nurse in the mornings and in evenings.
  • You play in your exersaucer, swing and activity gym.
  • Your Nana convinced me to give you your first bite of a banana. You liked it!
  • All in all you are a Happy Baby!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Miss Ida

This is the Breast Cancer Awareness Fire Truck. Finley and I had our first pictures taken with Miss Ida Survivor.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Finley's Family

This post is dedicated to not all, but (I don't have pictures of all) important people in Finley's life. Our little Family of three are so very thankful for the wonderful family and friends we have to help support and offer guidance when we need it.
Momma and Finley

Daddy and Finley

Nana and Finley

Papaw Gene and Finley

Grandma Cindy and Finley

Peepaw Mike and Finley

Grandma Memaw Carla, Jeremy and Finley

The Four Generations - Myself, My Mom (Nana), My Noni, and My Finley

Peyton and Finley

Cousin Bryson and Finley

Aunt Lisa and Finley

Uncle Wes and Finley

Great Noni and Finley