Friday, June 14, 2013

You know you are a fireman's wife if...

You know what IFSTA, IAFF, SCBA, WSFTA, and ARFF stand for.

Your Husband's wardrobe looks like this: non-descript bottoms paired with any navy blue shirt/sweatshirt with a fire department logo on it.

Your Husband's haircut is "nice and tight". So are his buns.

You've eaten more gas-producing foods in a 24 hour period than any sane woman should (unless she's a firefighter).

You know the difference between a police siren and a fire siren.

Your kids think the fire station is "Daddy's house" or "Where daddy hangs with his friends"

You know that all of your smoke detectors work.

Your Husband will not let you near the BBQ pit.

You can make 4 dozen cookies without a recipe in 1.5 hours flat and have them delivered asap.

You know that you always have a team of highly-trained ems professionals at the ready (you know, in case a baby falls down the stairs or something).

You know that it is faster and waaaay better to take the ambulance to the hospital (NEVER go it solo, and actually WAIT in the waiting room!).

Your single friends are always asking "are there any single firemen at Hubby's work?".

Your children can make good use of vacuum hoses and rubber gloves.

Everybody knows a Firefighter, and will assume that you know them too.

You find it hard to sleep when your Hubby is at work.

You get severely angry when people don't pull over for firetrucks and ambulances.

You've held more birthdays at the fire station than should be allowed.

You get to listen to stories about fires, mva's and in my case, sprinkler systems.

You've seen Backdraft 40 million times and Ladder 49 10 million (but who can get sick of staring at Joaquin Phoenix and John Travolta?).

You've had some of the best holiday meals at the fire station.

You've lost all sense of what a "weekend" really is due to your husband's crazy schedule.

Your husband gets to go on field trips & preschool once in a while.

All of the teachers want your husband to "demonstrate" his skills for the class (yeah, right she just wants to see him in his bunker gear).

You feel like the luckiest girl alive when he comes home off shift and sends your heart a-flutter.

Happy Father's Day to 'OUR' favorite Firefighter! 
We love you!

We love our Fire station Family Fun Day's!

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