Monday, August 6, 2012

Baby Girl 2.0 - 23 weeks

Size of baby: 

Weight Gain:   18 lbs.  - yep... went to the Dr. last Friday. I was shocked, but I'm following suit. I gained all my baby weight in the second trimester with Finley as well. 

Gender: It's a girl! 

Names: Discussed a little, but more focused on moving into our new house in 1 WEEK! 

Sleep:  I wouldn't say great, but I'm I can't complain either. I'm been so tired from packing that when I do fall asleep I usually don't wake up until my alarm goes off. I'm a happy girl!

Movement: Tons of kicking going on in there. Baby girl always seems to kick mostly as I'm getting into bed. 

Maternity clothes:  Um mm, yes, but still love those summer dresses. 

Cravings:  None 

New symptoms this week:  Back pain - very severe towards the end of the day.  And more BH contractions. 

Next Appt:  Aug. 31

Here is my 23 week picture

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