Friday, May 10, 2013

Can't a momma complain?

Anyone who has young children knows that alone time is minimal. The last few weeks have been what seems like a roller coaster ride. Finley has been vomiting sick, work has been extremely busy for J, we're having septic issues, J is having a hard time staying home with both girls during the day, we missed the Jimmy Buffet concert last week, etc. It just seems there have been a lot of extras lately that need repair. I guess that's what you get when you purchase a used home.

By the end of last Monday I was ready to fast forward and start with the following week. It started with an early morning phone call from J that he was being held over for 24 hours OT. Great! So I get up,  send the babysitter a text asking if she could watch the girls that day. Long story short – I never heard back from her and wondered hmmmm…. That’s strange! That’s because it was a school holiday that day. Again, great! I had to be at work that morning so I had no choice, but to load them up and take them with me. Thankfully, without disrupting too much, we were able to get in and get done what needed to be done and out of there! On our way home it was then I wished I was a SAHM. But that quickly left my mind after we got home and I wanted to rip my hair out because of the crying! However, I was proud of myself getting both girls to take a nap at the same time that afternoon so I could do a little more work .

Thursday was our Jimmy Buffet concert that we had been waiting for two months and what happens?? OH, it gets postponed! Wait… what in the world would postpone a Buffet concert?? Well in Texas, there is this thing called - sunny and 85 one day and the next it’s 40 and 40 mph winds. They postponed the show to the next day due to inclement weather. Ridiculous, right? (I’m pretty sure I would have been miserable anyway) Oh and did I mention that my mom drove in from Dallas to watch the girls so we could attend the concert? After we got the news about the concert being postponed to the following day it occurs to us that we won’t have a babysitter for that night. Once again… awesome! At least I was able to get my money back for the tickets. My mom then made a suggestion – why didn't we at least go out to dinner while she was there. So we did just that and had a couple these:

Friday night we then ran into our septic tank pump issues. Whomp, whomp, whomp. – Hey, we bought a USED house eight months ago, we should have known something would go wrong. Anyone who has had a septic knows this is NOT any easy or CHEAP fix! As it stands, we may have to have a whole new system installed. I’m not going to write anymore because the thought makes me want to throw up in my mouth. Basically, over the weekend we tried to use at little water as possible until the septic people came on Monday to give us some relief.

Monday came and we started a new week and J has been in a terrible mood lately. I know he has been busy at work, but geez! And it’s not like our home life is peaches ‘n’ cream every day! We have a three year old and a 5 month old. J is an outdoorsy guy and while he watches both girls on his days off, it’s hard for him to manage Landry when she can’t sit-up do much. And she is a big fan of momma… not always daddy! No kidding y'all... she is literally crying everyday I get home from work. But what we do know is this too shall pass!  I told him last night we will look back on these years when they are teenagers and wish they were little again. When all they knew how to do was cry.

After getting the kids to bed last night we both sat outside and enjoyed an adult beverage, listened to the rain and talked about our week. You may not always have date night or get the alone time you are looking for, but last night we both enjoyed each other’s company.

So there it is folks…  Rough ten days. Looking forward to our short vacation trip to the coast in ten days!

Sure do love my babies

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